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Balckyball Stock Pick for the Week:


Ebay (EBAY:ticker)

eBay, Inc. offers a person-to-person Internet trading community. The Company pioneered online person-to-person trading by developing a Web-based community in which buyers and sellers are brought together in an auction format to trade personal items. The eBay service permits sellers to list items for sale, buyers to bid on items of interest, and all eBay users to browse through listed items in a fully automated, topically arranged service that is available online around the clock. The eBay community includes more than two million registered users, who use eBay as a place to socialize, discuss topics of common interest and ultimately to conduct business in an online trading environment.

This stock is currently trading at $134/share. In the last few weeks many investors of this stock took profits. However, the price of this stock fell so much that it has entered into a "strong buy" by me, "The Out-Performer". Look for this stock to break into new record highs by April. Current 52-week high for EBAY is at $234. Earnings will be available on 1/25/00.

*A Balckyball Financial Analyst Profile and stats sheet will be available soon.

Previous Balckyball Stock Picks
01.03.2000 - RAMP
12.20.1999 - EXDS
12.13.1999 - PCLN

Research this stock and others at Yahoo Finance.



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